Mettowee Mint Book Club
Aug 29 2022 - Aug 29 2022 • Time: 9:30am Entertainment, Shopping, and Education & History

Mettowee Mint Book Club
Sunday, August 28th
SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. We heard you friends. At last we’ve started our garden club… with a twist!
In partnership with @northshirebooks we’re reading and meeting to chat all things botanical. Purchase titles at Northshire Bookstore with a 20% discount, then join other #METTOWEEBOOKWORMS at Mettowee Mint for coffee and conversation.
Our first meeting is Sunday, August 28th, featuring best-selling “The Hidden Life of Trees: What They Feel, How They Communicate―Discoveries from A Secret World” by Peter Wohlleben & conversation with local landscape pro Carrie Chalmers. @carriechalmersdesign will answer all your tree questions, enumerate the many benefits of planting container sized trees, and teach planting with a live demonstration! Plus our inventory of deciduous container trees will be 30% off that morning for event attendees.
Please register with link in bio or at….