Green Mountain Academy for Lifelong Learning Presents “Women ’20-’20” – Women in Contemporary Theatre”
Jul 28 2020 - Jul 28 2020 • Time: 5:30-7:00pm Education & History, For the Family, and Recreation & Fitness

Tuesday, July 28 5:30 – 7:00 pm via Zoom
Green Mountain Academy for Lifelong Learning (GMALL) continues its yearlong “Women ’20-’20” celebration by welcoming acclaimed playwright, Theresa Rebeck, to talk about women in contemporary theatre. In 2009, the number of plays written by women on New York stages was the same as it was in 1909: 13%. In 2020, while the majority of Broadway ticket buyers are female, women are consistently underrepresented on stages across America. The women and men developing their craft as playwrights should rise through the system at an even rate, but that is not what is happening. Join Theresa Rebeck for a discussion of what has been accomplished in the past decade to improve the status of women in theater and the inherent challenges that still remain. Registration for the talk is $10 in advance. For more information or to register, please call 802-867-0111 or visit our website at