Green Mountain Academy for Lifelong Learning Presents: “Get Outside: Secrets of Aging Well”
Oct 11 2022 - Oct 11 2022 • Time: 5:30-7:00pm Education & History

Get Outside: Secrets of Aging Well
Tuesday, October 11 from 5:30 – 7:00pm at Burr and Burton Academy’s Bell Tower Room at Founders Hall
Green Mountain Academy for Lifelong Learning (GMALL) welcomes author and fitness expert Martin Pazzani to talk about the numerous benefits of hiking. In fact, as he himself discovered, walking uphill – hiking – might just be the Fountain of Youth and the pathway to a much longer, happier, and healthier life. This talk will reveal how hiking builds a stronger heart, more powerful lungs, springy-strong legs, a sharper brain, and a more resistant immune system. Mr. Pazzani will tell us why hiking can prevent cognitive decline, enhance emotional wellbeing, and boost your eyesight. Hiking is arguably the best way to burn off any extra pounds once and for all, and can relieve stress and build better mindfulness. Most importantly, this talk will explain how to rediscover the many benefits of being outside. This talk will be available as an in-person event as well as an online presentation via Zoom. Registration is $18 per person and pre-registration is required. For more information or to register, please call our office at 802-867-0111 or visit