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Dorset Event

Green Mountain Academy for Lifelong Learning Presents: “A Psychoanalytic Reading of Little Red Riding Hood”

Mar 23 2021 - Mar 23 2021 • Time: 5:30-7:00 Education & History, For the Family, and Recreation & Fitness

Folk and Fairy Tales – A Psychoanalytic Reading of Little Red Riding Hood

Tuesday, March 23 from 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm via Zoom

Green Mountain Academy for Lifelong Learning (GMALL) welcomes Dr. Bill Freedman to lead us through a psychoanalytic reading of Little Red Riding Hood. Fairy tales aren’t dreams, but if you thought Little Red Riding Hood was simply a moral fable, warning daughters “never to wander off when your mother has told you to keep to the path,” as the closing lines have it, you might be wrong. With a little help from Freud and Jung, this talk will provide a psychoanalytic reading of the Brothers Grimm version of this wonderfully fertile and richly mineable little tale. We will also briefly explore the history, nature and social functions of the oral tales of which the written tales are derived, as well as some common features of folk and fairy tales. Registration for the talk is $15 in advance. For more information or to register, please call 802-867-0111 or visit our website at greenmtnacademy.org.



