Great Art On Screen
Dec 30 2023 - Dec 30 2023 • Time: 2:00-3:45pm Education & History and Theater & Arts

Great Art On Screen – Borromini and Bernini: The Challenge of Perfection
Saturday, December 30 from 2:00 – 3:45pm at Southern Vermont Arts Center
This is a journey into the great beauty of Baroque Rome, when the city was the center of western art and where every ambitious painter, sculptor and architect had to be. Green Mountain Academy for Lifelong Learning (GMALL) is excited to offer the screening of Borromini and Bernini: The Challenge of Perfection, which will take place at the Southern Vermont Arts Center on Saturday, December 30 at 2:00 p.m. This is the story of the most famous artistic rivalry of all time, the one between Borromini and Bernini, but also the story of Borromini’s rivalry with himself: a genius so absorbed by his art that he turns it into a demon that devours him from the inside forcing him to choose death to reach eternity. Borromini deprived himself of everything to pursue a dream: to conquer Rome. It is the story of the architectural revolution of a solitary maestro who changed the appearance of Rome forever, by pushing himself to the limit, but also by battling conventions and prejudices, with the humility to learn from the past to invent the future, with the courage to pursue an idea despite knowing he would pay the price in the end. Tickets are $12 per person. For more information or to purchase tickets, please visit or call our office at 802-867-0111. Borromini and Bernini: The Challenge of Perfection is distributed by New York-based BYExperience.