GMALL Presents: What is Cinema?
Feb 7 2023 - Feb 7 2023 • Time: 5:30 - 7:00pm Education & History

What is Cinema?
Tuesday, February 7 from 5:30 – 7:00pm via Zoom
Green Mountain Academy for Lifelong Learning is excited to present the screening of What is Cinema? This documentary by Academy Award-winning filmmaker Chuck Workman tackles the question of its title with over 100 clips and interviews with filmmakers such as Mike Leigh, Jonas Mekas, David Lynch, Robert Altman, Kelly Reichardt, Costa-Gavras, and Michael Moore, and featuring archival interviews from Robert Bresson, Alfred Hitchcock, Chantal Akerman, Akira Kurosawa, Abbas Kiarostami, and more. What is Cinema? not only asks a poignant question but chronicles the best of filmmaking today and proposes where cinema will go, and should go, in the future. The screening will be followed by discussion with the filmmaker. Workman will also explain the process of filmmaking and how you too can make a documentary. Registration is $22 per person. For more information or to register, please call our office at 802-867-0111 or visit