DHS: Third Thursday Lunch Lecture Oct 19
Oct 19 2023 - Oct 19 2023 • Time: Noon - 1pm Education & History

Third Thursday Lunch Lecture
Fenton Family Potter Ventures: New Discoveries
Dorset Historical Society
Thursday, October 19 from noon -1pm
The Dorset Historical Society’s Third-Thursday Lunch-Lecture on October 19, Fenton Family Pottery Ventures, will be presented by Warren Broderick.
Warren Broderick will present briefly on the newly-discovered Walpole, New Hampshire, pottery that Jonathan Fenton and his younger brother, Richard W. Fenton, operated for a few years in the 1790s. Jonathan Fenton removed to Dorset ca. 1801 while Richard removed to St. Johnsbury in Caledonia County ca. 1800 and established a pottery there in the next few years. Warren will present newly discovered information on the Fenton redware and stoneware pottery which operated in St. Johnsbury there until 1860. Early photographs and remarkable documents concerning the Richard W. Fenton family, in the collection of the Bennington Museum, as well as examples of their production, will be featured. The site has been located and field investigation has begun.
The Dorset Historical Society’s Bley House Museum is located on Route 30 at Kent Hill Road. For more information, see https://dorsetvthistory.org or call (802) 867-0331.