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Dorset Event

DHS: Third Thursday Lunch Lecture Sept 21

Sep 21 2023 - Sep 21 2023 • Time: Noon - 1pm Education & History

The Bley House Museum, home of the Dorset Historical Society, is dedicated to discovering and collecting materials that illustrate the history of Dorset, Vermont. To learn more about museum hours and the lineup of speakers, click to read.

Third Thursday Lunch Lecture

Myths and Legends of the Battle of Bennington

Dorset Historical Society

Thursday, September 21 from noon -1pm

The Dorset Historical Society’s Third-Thursday Lunch-Lecture on September 21, Myths and Legends of the Battle of Bennington is presented by David Pitlyk, historic site assistant.

As events pass out of living memory and into history, the way they are remembered is shaped by the collective effort of generations. From the misrepresentative to the mendacious, over the years some people have just plain gotten it wrong. Join us as we consider some of the worst milestones in the historiography surrounding the Battle of Bennington. This lecture will lay out several myths, explore their origins and attempt to set the record straight.

David Pitlyk is the Historic Site Assistant at Bennington Battlefield. He previously served as the Interpretations Coordinator at the USS SLATER. He holds a BA in history and MS in secondary education from the University at Albany.

The Dorset Historical Society’s Bley House Museum is located on Route 30 at Kent Hill Road. For more information, see https://dorsetvthistory.org or call (802) 867-0331.


Dorset Historical Society’s Bley House Museum

