United Church of Dorset



The United Church of Dorset and East Rupert, a UCC Congregation, is located on Church Street in Dorset Village.

The mission of this open and affirming Church is to instill in its congregation the consciousness of the presence of God in each individual person, to worship God, to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, to celebrate the Sacraments, and to teach and encourage the application of Christian values individually and  collectively. The Church community strives to exemplify responsible stewardship of God’s creation and to render loving service to all humankind in the search for righteousness, justice and peace.

Regular services are held at 10:00 am on Sundays. Nursery is available during the services. Coffee hour follows our Sunday service.

Over the past 20 years, Rev. Dr. James Gray, has succeeded in strengthening our participation in the religious life of Dorset and surrounding communities, growing our congregation, establishing a thriving youth group, and building on the different committees of the Cabinet, which are the lifeblood of the church.  Our current choir numbers in the 20’s and is led by the gifted and talented Music Director, Tom Salmon.


143 Church Street

Dorset, Vt 05251